Minggu, 10 Maret 2019

Bolttcoin akan memiliki penawaran $ 1 miliar

Pelanggan Bolttcoin Marketplace kesehatan akan mencari barang dan jasa dasar yang terkait dengan perawatan kesehatan di mana mereka dapat membayar menggunakan token platform mereka sendiri, Bolttcoin (BOLTT) BolttCoin

Layanan medis juga digunakan untuk menerima layanan Layanan kritis dengan harga diskon

Dompet BolttCoin sebagai persyaratan untuk pembayaran, ada dompet dengan beberapa tanda tangan untuk menyimpan cara fiktif dan cryptic kustom.

Turnamen dan peserta permainan mendapatkan kesempatan untuk berpartisipasi dalam permainan dan olahraga di bidang kesehatan dan mendapatkan poin

bunga BolttCoin Exchange untuk menjamin likuiditas cryptocurrency Boltt menyediakan portal yang dapat diandalkan untuk konversi Bolttcoin.

BolttCoin menggunakan teknologi blockchain untuk kemampuan game. Pengguna dapat memperoleh token dari ujung masalah kesehatan yang ditentukan dan dipertaruhkan pada data. Selain itu, pemilik akan menggunakan token untuk pembayaran transaksi, produk, dan layanan dalam ekosistem yang terdesentralisasi.

Keuntungan dari koin Boltt

Dapatkan penghargaan dalam bentuk BolttCoin, dapatkan tujuan pribadi di bidang kesehatan dan melalui sosial kirfikasi data kesehatan.

Potensi permintaan kolosal adalah permintaan yang melekat untuk menyatukan kesehatan ke dalam rantai blok, dan BolttCoin menawarkan dukungan preseden untuk permintaan BolttCoin.

Protokol blockchain konjugasi ganda blockchain memungkinkan pengguna BolttCoin untuk memanfaatkan penggunaan marker astral dan berbasis gelombang.

Baut Koin BOLTT Token ICO

Bolttcoin akan memiliki penawaran $ 1 miliar, di mana orang banyak akan menjual token 50%. Penjualan Crowd Sale akan dimulai dari 20 Mei 2018, hingga 20 Juni 2018.

BolttCoin.io adalah platform online untuk perlindungan sosial, berdasarkan pada hubungan blok, yang akan ditujukan untuk membuat komunitas virtual dari aktor sektor kesehatan. Selain itu, platform akan menyediakan perangkat teknis yang dapat digunakan untuk pasar perawatan kesehatan untuk digunakan dan menerima pengguna yang ingin tetap bugar dan sebagai imbalannya menerima hadiah untuk itu. Bahkan, BolltCoin akan bekerja untuk memotivasi orang yang ingin mengubah wajah demi kemajuan

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut:
Situs web: https://bolttcoin.io
Whitepaper: https: //bolttcoin.io/BolttCoinWhitePaper-V1.0.pdf
Telegram: https://t.me/BolttCoin
Twitter: https://twitter.com/bolttsports
Facebook: https: //www.facebook.com/bolttsports
ANN thread: https: //bitcointalk.org/index.php? Topic = 3276720


Minggu, 29 Juli 2018

eCoinomic.net founders have been working together in service,financial and fintech projects since 2001. The founders are linked through both business development interests and long-term proven friendships. The projects implemented and goals achieved since 2001 have demonstrated that this team of like-minded people are devoted to hard work, creative thinking and targeted results. The core team of the project consists of professionals and experts with more than 10 years experience in Fintech Industry and software development.Read Whitepaper https://ecoinomic.net/docs/whitepaper.

What is eCoinomic.net ?

eCoinomic.net is a digital platform providing traditional financial services to cryptocurrency holders. Its premiere service is fiat loans backed by crypto collateral.


eCoinomic.net aims to provide a unique service for the e Cryptocurrency sphere by connecting individual borrowers with family offices and institutional investors who will provide their monetary funds for the borrowers, thus acting as lenders. To ensure institutional investors participation, it is mandatory to have equatable amounts of funds being gathered and locked in the escrow bank accounts as the Reserve.Visit here https://ecoinomic.net/

What we do

eCoinomic.net provides a scalable solution for fiat lending to the cryptocurrency owners. During the first stage we create a lending platform that connects individual borrowers with institutional investors’ and family offices’ financial resources. During the later stages we add a variety of financial services including full-scale banking services.

Value proposition

eCoinomic.net brings new value to the cryptoindustry by creating stable and reliable platform that offers fast and easy way to get fiat loans.

What value we offer to the users

Easy access to fiat money loans backed by cryptocurrency (Stage 1). Full spectrum of banking services in the cryptospace (Next stages).

What value we offer to the cryptosphere

We increase the liquidity of the cryptocurrencies by attracting fiat money from financial organizations. We bridge the gap between crypto and traditional financial assets.

eCoinomic.net is a platform that provides financial services to crypto holders by the following ways:

• Fiat loans backed by cryptocurrencies as collateral
• Investment and asset management
• Exchange
• Transfers and mutual settlements between users and partner projects

Each platform user can choose the optimal set of services to take full advantage of cryptocurrencies potential:

• Secured and unsecured loans based on fiat money and cryptocurrencies
• Long-term and short-term investments in fiat money and cryptocurrencies
• Hedging the exchange rate risks for crypto assets
• Financial transactions, exchange, collateral management
• Payment for goods and services in digital currency on the online trading platforms
• Fiat money transactions, virtual cards issuance backed by crypto assets

up as below upon the launch of the platform in the 4th quarter of 2018 : 

Smart contract main implication :

1.To receive a loan, the client needs to send a certain amount of cryptocurrency as a collateral to the smart contract, that locks this amount.

2.After receiving the collateral, smart contract allows the platform to send the loan in fiat funds to the client. The loan is sent automatically.

3.In order to close the loan contract, the client returns the loan and the interest to the
platform. This action will be controlled by the smart contract.

4.After the transaction of fiat funds is confirmed, the smart-contract automatically releases the collateral and the client receives his cryptocurrency back.

A smart contract monitors current quotes on several exchanges, allowing to assess the current rate of crypto assets transparently.

market price decreases by additional 5% from the initial market price. The client can take the following actions : 
• Deposit additional crypto assets to cover the difference between decreased collateral value and the amount of the loan 
• Accept a partial liquidation of the collateral to repay the loan 
• Repay the loan in full Margin call happens then the market price of the collateral decreases to the point when it becomes equal to the valuation price of the collateral + 10%. 

Token Sale business necessity eCoinomic.net platform aims to fix two major issues of the cryptomarket :

1.Limited liquidity of the cryptocurrencies. eCoinomic.net brings family offices / institutional investors and attracts significant amounts of fiat money into the cryptomarket that are necessary for the creation of full-scale credit products.

2.Makes fiat loans more accessible for crypto-owners by allowing them to use crypto-actives as a collateral.

eCoinomic.net wants to stress out that, in contrast with the most ICO projects, we do not intend to spend all of the funds we attract during the sale:
  • 81% of funds gathered during the Token Sale Reserve stage is to be allocated to the Reserve only and will not be spent.
  • 10% will be used to cover operational expenses of the platform before it becomes profitable.
  • 9% will be used to cover marketing expenses for platform promotion.

eCoinomic.net will provide reports and documents related to the usage of these money and will be annually audited by one of the Big Four accounting firms. All expenses related to the platform development are limited to USD 6 million.

Token sale details

Pre-sale whitelist registration starts : 15.03.2018
Pre-sale whitelist registration ends : 03.04.2018
Pre-sale Development stage starts : 03.04.2018
Pre-sale Development stage ends : 21.04.2018
Crowdsale Development stage start : 01.05.2018
Crowdsale Development stage end : 01.06.2018
Reserve stage start : 01.06.2018
Reserve stage end : 01.08.2018
Token name : CNC
Token type : ERC20
Token role : Utility
Hardcap : USD 106,000,000
Softcap : USD 6,000,000
Total Token supply : Up to 2,100,000,000
Tokens available for the Token Sale : Up to 1,550,000,000
Excluded countries : the USA*, People’s Republic of China, Singapore**

KYC procedure is required for all participants

Accepted currencies on Pre-Sale : ETH
Accepted currencies on Token Sale : ETH, BTC, XRP, BCH, LTC, NEO, XMR, ZEC
eCoinomic.net Token Sale is divided into three parts.

Terms of Pre-Sale stage

03.04 – 21.04.2018
Maximum amount of CNC allocated for Pre-Sale stage is 150,000,000 tokens.
Minimum Contribution is not limited. Maximum contribution is USD 250,000.
Token price : 1 CNC = 0.05 USD
Bonuses : Up to 25% (lockup period for bonus tokens : 2 months after all token sale stages)
Bonus structure depends on the contribution amount : 
  • ≤ USD 49,999 : 10%
  • ≤ USD 99,999 : 15%
  • ≤ USD 149,999 : 20%
  • ≥ USD 150,000 : 25%
Participants of eCoinomic.net Pre-Sale stage will be granted with an early access to the platform and will be eligible for privileged services.
Pre-sale stage will continue until 21.04.2018 or until the allocated limit of USD 6,000,000 is reached.

Terms of Development stage

01.05 – 31.05.2018
Amount of CNC allocated to the Crowdsale Development stage will depend on the remaining amount after Pre-Sale in case eCoinomic.net does not raise USD 6,000,000.
Minimum Contribution is not limited. Maximum contribution is USD 250,000.
Token price: 1 CNC = 0.05 USD
Participants of eCoinomic.net Crowdsale Development Stage will be granted with an early access to the platform and will be eligible for privileged service.
The token sale stage will continue until 31.05.2018 or until the allocated limit of USD 6,000,000 is reached.
Funds gathered during Crowdsale Development stage will be used for the platform launch only.

Terms of Reserve stage

All unsold tokens are to be burned after the Token Sale.

81% of funds gathered during the Reserve stage is to be allocated to the Reserve only and will not be spent. This amount will be locked in the escrow bank accounts as a Reserve to ensure institutional
investors and family offices participation as a lender.

10% will be used to cover operational expenses of the platform before it becomes profitable.

9% will be used to cover marketing expenses for platform promotion. 

eCoinomic.net will provide reports and documents related to the usage of these money and will be annually audited by one of the Big Four accounting firms .

KYC procedures will be implemented during the all stages to ensure that eCoinomic.net Token Sale is conducted in compliance with laws and regulations.https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2878954 / for more information.

Token Distribution

Funds gathered during the Pre-Sale stage and Development stage will be distributed as follows


Q3-4 2020 Conducting the IPO

Q1-2 2020 IPO procedure initialization First stage crypto bank launch (licensed in the UK and EU)

Q3-4 2019 Cooperation and technical connection with trading platforms Issue of bonds Procedure of crypto bank registration start

Q1-2 2019 Finance transfers from financial institutions and family offices Expansion through global partnership with local microfinance organizations Legal procedures for bonds issue

Q4 2018 Virtual cards issue eCoinomics.net payment agent with open API launch Platform launch - November for early adopters, December - public.

Q3 2018 Obtaining of licenses, developing solutions for different jurisdictions Token Sale finish Partnership with top global payment agents Signing the Letters of Intent with financial institutions and family offices

Q2 2018 Pilot project launch in Russian Federation Token Sale (Pre-sale stage) International platform alpha release Token Sale start

Q1 2018 First public information on the project Early-stage development of the platform

2017 Origin of the idea Conducting cryptocurrency market research, technical solutions evaluation Working team assembly, concept development

To get more information, please visit the Official Website here https://ecoinomic.net/


Sabtu, 28 Juli 2018

Mengapa anda harus memilih ubcoin ?

Ubcoin Marketplace - Lompatan berikutnya untuk Ubank, yang memimpin aplikasi pembayaran seluler di Eropa Timur. Sekarang dengan Ethereum blockchain, mata uang UBC yang diperdagangkan di bursa, dan kontrak cerdas peer-to-peer untuk membeli barang-barang untuk cryptocurrency. Pasar Ubcoin akan menjadi bagian dari aplikasi Ubank sebagai fitur baru.

Adopsi Massal Mata Uang Crypto
Kami mempromosikan adopsi massal dari aset digital yang merupakan sarana penyelesaian dan kendaraan investasi.

Interaksi Peer-to-peer
Potong sebanyak mungkin perantara. Platform ini memfasilitasi eksekusi kontrak yang cerdas antara pihak independen.

Pasar Hukum
Kami sedang mengembangkan teknologi AI ke pos penjual pra-layar untuk potensi pelanggaran alasan, moralitas, keselamatan dan perawatan yang wajar.

Blockchain memungkinkan inisiasi terdesentralisasi, penyelesaian dan pemenuhan transaksi. Pembayaran segera dilakukan pada kinerja di bawah kontrak cerdas.

Antarmuka Yang Sempurna
Desain antarmuka kami menghadirkan keharmonisan dan pengalaman mulus dalam membeli dan menjual barang secara global.

Buka Komunitas
Kami berusaha untuk membuka API kami untuk mengembangkan adaptasi terbaik dari platform untuk kebutuhan lokal tertentu. Juga kami membayangkan keterlibatan penyedia pihak ketiga (yaitu perusahaan pengiriman, notaris).

Konsumen Massal
Dapatkan koin UBC tanpa penambangan atau pertukaran, hanya dengan menjual barang dan jasa. Cara mudah menjadi pemilik-investor dalam mata uang kripto.

Penambang dan Investor Crypto
Nikmati kekayaan crypto mereka dengan membelanjakan barang dan jasa dunia nyata. Tidak ada konversi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan uang, transaksi diselesaikan dalam mata uang digital dengan kontrak cerdas.
Bergabunglah dengan pra-penjualan pribadi untuk mendapatkan diskon 57%.
Bergabunglah dengan Whitelist untuk mendapatkan diskon 29%.

Skema Teknis

Platform Ubcoin menerapkan teknologi blockchain untuk menciptakan, mengelola, dan mengoperasikan kripto-kardiak yang token dan platform itu sendiri.

ICO akan diselenggarakan mulai 2 April sampai 31 Mei.

Foto Ubcoin.

Bonus untuk Investor Awal

Distribusi Token

Pasokan token maksimum akan didistribusikan sebagai berikut:

Nilai Token Jangka Panjang

Asli Untuk Ekosistem
Token UBC asli ekosistem peer-to-peer marketplace. Kontrak pintar tidak akan menerima kriptocurrency lainnya.

Insentif Utilitas
Porsi token yang signifikan disisihkan untuk pertumbuhan bisnis, memastikan tidak ada token baru yang masuk ke sirkulasi dengan harga lebih rendah dari pada Token Sale awal.

Program Pembelian Kembali Token
Pemegang token UBC menerima potongan biaya terkait dengan ukuran kepemilikan UBC mereka. Insentif bagi klien untuk membeli dan menahan UBC.

Kolam Cadangan
Mekanisme pencegahan vesting dan anti-dumping yang kuat.

Tim Terkunci
Hingga 10% laba bersih Ubcoins dialihkan ke buyback 10% di atas harga pasar atau penempatan yang lebih besar.

Bakar Program
5% biaya Ubcoin dari transaksi pengguna dibakar untuk mengurangi pasokan barang saat bisnis berkembang.

Peta Jalan
Kami telah menempuh perjalanan jauh dan masih banyak yang harus dilakukan.

2006 - 2011
Peluncuran NaviFon - aplikasi navigasi seluler.
Peluncuran Utalk - klien perpesanan crossplatform.
Perjanjian prabayar dengan Samsung.
Pendaftaran merek dagang Ubank.
2013 - 2014
Ubank diluncurkan.
Perjanjian pra-pemasangan dengan Fly.
Ubank mengumpulkan $ 8 juta investasi dari Runa Capital, yang memimpin investasi dana usaha Rusia.
Lebih dari 3 juta pengguna.
Perjanjian preinstallment dengan Huawei.
2015 - 2017
Kemitraan strategis dengan Bank MDM.
Kartu co-branded diluncurkan.
Model pasar keuangan Ubank diluncurkan.
6.1 juta unduhan aplikasi Ubank di GooglePlay.
Kemitraan strategis dengan Sovcombank.
12 juta unduhan aplikasi Ubank di GooglePlay.
Platform kontrak cerdas beta dikembangkan.
Dukungan dan tim verifikasi terbentuk.
Beta-testing MVP melalui saluran distribusi aplikasi yang ada dengan produsen smartphone terkemuka.
Peluncuran MVP di Eropa Timur.
Kerangka Dasar KYC dikembangkan.
Versi lengkap aplikasi diluncurkan di Eropa Timur.
Perjanjian distribusi aplikasi diperluas ke wilayah tambahan.
Beta open API dikembangkan.
Peluncuran di Timur Tengah dan Korea Selatan.
Beta AI-screening dikembangkan.
Peluncuran di Asia Tenggara dan Asia Selatan.
Open API tersedia untuk pengembang.
Peluncuran di Amerika Latin.
Alat skrining AI lengkap diluncurkan.

Tim Kita

Tim di belakang Ubcoin telah bekerja sama sejak tahun 2009. Saat ini berjumlah 50+ pengembang dan manajemen puncak dan talenta penasehat. Kami tanpa rasa takut berfokus untuk mengubah teknologi baru menjadi pengalaman pelanggan yang diadopsi secara luas.


Dewan Penasehat kami mencakup para profesional dan influencer bisnis global yang bertalenta, tidak ditumpuk oleh pembuat konten pra-ICO, semuanya adalah mitra bisnis tepercaya jangka panjang kami.

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Bolttcoin akan memiliki penawaran $ 1 miliar Pelanggan Bolttcoin Marketplace kesehatan akan mencari barang dan jasa dasar yang ...